torstai 27. lokakuuta 2011

Rigid Body

I got the rigid body done to my character and so far it works fine but i havent yet tried to do any special movements with it. (that is for tomorrow/today later)
I got really frustrated with the project cos i had used yesterday to make the fur and i really want the fur on the animation so when i noticed that when i move the character in a position the fur doesnt move with the body.
I tried to see few tutorials from net but i actually accidentally found the solution (which was really simple), so i'm glad i can still have the fur as part of my plan. :)

2 kommenttia:

  1. mikäs se ratkasu oli?

  2. Kun ton hahmon noi object modifierissa on noi catmull-clark jutut ni sinne myös tulee se armature ja toi partikkeli systeemi. Ni mä olin tehnyt partikkelit ensin ja sitten vasta sen armaturen ni sitten se järjestyskin oli sen mukanen. Ni mun piti siirtää se parttikkelit vaan sen armaturen alapuolelle ni sitten se seuraa sitä nätisti.
